
Pain Management


One of the most recognized practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into various pressure points across the body in order to regulate the flow of Qi, which is considered to be the body’s flow of vital life energy.

With an intensive map of the flow of Qi through the body called Meridians, each one of the twelve is connected to a specific organ or group that controls important bodily functions. The ancient Chinese belief is that when the Qi is blocked in some point of the body, illness or negative conditions are caused.

Therefore, acupuncture is able to release blockages of the Qi to create a healthy balance that promotes free-flowing Qi, allowing you to feel your best both mentally and physically.

Benefits of Acupuncture

  • Reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Relief of chronic pain such as headaches and back pain
  • Promoting weight loss and maintenance of a healthy physique
  • Improved sleeping habits
  • Optimized digestion and respiration
  • Alleviation of sinus congestion and allergies
  • Promotion of fertility and healthy pregnancies
  • Reduction of addiction and mental health issues

At Total Harmony Health, Stephanie uses her years of experience as Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist to also assist in improving mental health conditions, assisting in addiction issues, quitting smoking and more.

Book an appointment for free consultation!
(818) 697-1893

“Stephanie is the best of the best. I’ve tried many acupuncturists and so far nothing compares to her knowledge, intuition, thorough care and deep understanding of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. There is something innately magical about her.”

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(818) 697-1893