Moxibustion Treatments

Pain Management

Moxibustion Treatments

Moxibustion is a unique Traditional Chinese Medicine healing technique that uses the burning of a spongy herb called Mugwort close to the skin. Used in Asia for thousands of years, moxibustion uses the principles of warming key Meridian points to stimulate the circulation of Qi.

 By warming these Meridian points, moxibustion contributes to a healthier flow of both blood and Qi, which is used to treat chronic pain conditions, increase the body’s immune system, improve recovery time from injury and boost overall well-being.

 Moxibustion is also known to assist with gynecological issues, as well as helping to turn breech babies into the correct ‘head-down’ position before childbirth.

Book an appointment for free consultation!
(818) 697-1893

“Stephanie is the best of the best. I’ve tried many acupuncturists and so far nothing compares to her knowledge, intuition, thorough care and deep understanding of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. There is something innately magical about her.”

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(818) 697-1893